nmap Cheat Sheet

Nmap Cheat Sheet

  • Finding all live device on a network
    • nmap -sP | awk ‘/is up/ {print up}; {gsub (/\(|\)/,””); up = $NF}’
  • TCP connect port scan
    • nmap -sT <IP Address>
  • Discover all host on a network, no port scanning
    • nmap -sn
  • Scan a specific port on a target
    • nmap -p 22 123.322.123.144
  • Scanning a range of ports
    • nmap -p 20-445 <IP Address>
  • What is the version of the service that this port is running 🙂
    • nmap -p 22 -sV <IP Address>
  • Enabling OS detection and querying OS for this IP Address…etc
    • nmap -AO <IP Address>
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