Service Name | UDP | TCP |
Browsing datagram responses of NetBIOS over TCP/IP | 138 | |
Browsing requests of NetBIOS over TCP/IP | 137 | |
Client/Server Communication | 135 | |
Common Internet File System (CIFS) | 445 | 139, 445 |
Content Replication Service | 560 | |
Cybercash Administration | 8001 | |
Cybercash Coin Gateway | 8002 | |
Cybercash Credit Gateway | 8000 | |
DCOM (SCM uses udp/tcp to dynamically assign ports for DCOM) | 135 | 135 |
DHCP client | 67 | |
DHCP server | 68 | |
DHCP Manager | 135 | |
DNS Administration | 139 | |
DNS client to server lookup (varies) | 53 | 53 |
Exchange Server 5.0 | ||
Client Server Communication | 135 | |
Exchange Administrator | 135 | |
IMAP | 143 | |
IMAP (SSL) | 993 | |
LDAP | 389 | |
LDAP (SSL) | 636 | |
MTA – X.400 over TCP/IP | 102 | |
POP3 | 110 | |
POP3 (SSL) | 995 | |
RPC | 135 | |
SMTP | 25 | |
NNTP | 119 | |
NNTP (SSL) | 563 | |
File shares name lookup | 137 | |
File shares session | 139 | |
FTP | 21 | |
FTP-data | 20 | |
HTTP | 80 | |
HTTP-Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) | 443 | |
Internet Information Services (IIS) | 80 | |
IMAP | 143 | |
IMAP (SSL) | 993 | |
IKE (For more information, see Table C.4) | 500 | |
IPSec Authentication Header (AH) (For more information, see Table C.4) | ||
IPSec Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) (For more information, see Table C.4) | ||
IRC | 531 | |
ISPMOD (SBS 2nd tier DNS registration wizard) | 1234 | |
Kerberos de-multiplexer | 2053 | |
Kerberos klogin | 543 | |
Kerberos kpasswd (v5) | 464 | 464 |
Kerberos krb5 | 88 | 88 |
Kerberos kshell | 544 | |
L2TP | 1701 | |
LDAP | 389 | |
LDAP (SSL) | 636 | |
Login Sequence | 137, 138 | 139 |
Macintosh, File Services (AFP/IP) | 548 | |
Membership DPA | 568 | |
Membership MSN | 569 | |
Microsoft Chat client to server | 6667 | |
Microsoft Chat server to server | 6665 | |
Microsoft Message Queue Server | 1801 | 1801 |
Microsoft Message Queue Server | 3527 | 135, 2101 |
Microsoft Message Queue Server | 2103, 2105 | |
MTA – X.400 over TCP/IP | 102 | |
NetBT datagrams | 138 | |
NetBT name lookups | 137 | |
NetBT service sessions | 139 | |
NetLogon | 138 | |
NetMeeting Audio Call Control | 1731 | |
NetMeeting H.323 call setup | 1720 | |
NetMeeting H.323 streaming RTP over UDP | Dynamic | |
NetMeeting Internet Locator Server ILS | 389 | |
NetMeeting RTP audio stream | Dynamic | |
NetMeeting T.120 | 1503 | |
NetMeeting User Location Service | 522 | |
NetMeeting user location service ULS | 522 | |
Network Load Balancing | 2504 | |
NNTP | 119 | |
NNTP (SSL) | 563 | |
Outlook (see for ports) | ||
Pass Through Verification | 137, 138 | 139 |
POP3 | 110 | |
POP3 (SSL) | 995 | |
PPTP control | 1723 | |
PPTP data (see Table C.4) | ||
Printer sharing name lookup | 137 | |
Printer sharing session | 139 | |
Radius accounting (Routing and Remote Access) | 1646 or 1813 | |
Radius authentication (Routing and Remote Access) | 1645 or 1812 | |
Remote Install TFTP | 69 | |
RPC client fixed port session queries | 1500 | |
RPC client using a fixed port session replication | 2500 | |
RPC session ports | Dynamic | |
RPC user manager, service manager, port mapper | 135 | |
SCM used by DCOM | 135 | 135 |
SMTP | 25 | |
SNMP | 161 | |
SNMP Trap | 162 | |
SQL Named Pipes encryption over other protocols name lookup | 137 | |
SQL RPC encryption over other protocols name lookup | 137 | |
SQL session | 139 | |
SQL session | 1433 | |
SQL session | 1024 – 5000 | |
SQL session mapper | 135 | |
SQL TCP client name lookup | 53 | 53 |
Telnet | 23 | |
Terminal Server | 3389 | |
UNIX Printing | 515 | |
WINS Manager | 135 | |
WINS NetBios over TCP/IP name service | 137 | |
WINS Proxy | 137 | |
WINS Registration | 137 | |
WINS Replication | 42 | |
X400 | 102 |
Essential Network Ports for Windows Services
1 min read